Monday, March 26, 2007

What Is Wrestler of the Week?

In almost any thing I have been interested in in my life I have always wanted to be ahead of the curve. In football I always want to know who the next big star that will take the league by surprise is and in music I always want to know who the next revolutionary band will be. Out of the spirit this blog is born at the encouragement of fellow blogger Barry Yount who runs .This Blog will be devoted to introducing the top underground Indy wrestling stars. I can not promise you exclusive information or inside stories but I will try to provide you with as much information as I can find as well as highlight videos. I will try to keep the Wrestler Profiles as up to date as possible. I also will try my best to not limit the wrestlers profiled here to one style I will try my best to include Hardcore, Tagteam , Lucha, Strongstyle, American Lightwieght and any other style out there. I truly hope you will enjoy this blog and the information collected here.

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